Spring 2013 Board Minutes

Saturday April 13, 2013
Present in Person: Linda Flannery, Dave Halla, Stephen Hill, Johanna Tucker, Dick & Vicki Garvey
Absent: Bob Voldish

Linda Flannery thanked everyone for coming and introduced the Board members and Management Company.

The 2012 Annual Meeting minutes were approved.

President’s Report by Linda:
• The Board will be reviewing all the committees and their policies over the course of this year to see how to make them operate better and more efficiently.
• There are a few minor repairs to the Fitness Center equipment that will be done.
• Opened up for questions. There were none.

Treasurer’s Report by Stephen Hill and Vicki Garvey:
• The books have been sent to Johnson & Burgess, VOH accountants, for the annual audit which is currently in process.
• Vicki reported on assessment status. VOH is owed $44,000 overall with $30,500 of that total attributed to three owners of seven properties.
• For 2013, $17,400 is yet to be collected with $6,800 being referred to legal as part of larger past due balances.
• A question was asked if Bickford owes assessments for his lots. The answer is that he does not owe assessments since he is an original developer.

Committee Reports:
• Landscape Committee:
– Will focus on adding color and replacing the plants that died.
– All cul-de-sacs will have new bushes.
– New flowers will be planted at the entrance.
– This committee is now responsible for maintaining the paths.
– Opened for questions. There were none.
• Environmental Committee:
– The committee is acting quickly to get approvals through for painting and other minor things.
– Dave Halle and Dick Garvey did evaluation follow-ups last Saturday. Fifteen properties that were cited have fixed or are in the process of fixing the issues for which they were cited. The rest of the properties have been granted extension until the fall at which time the work must be completed.
– The Board is in the process of restructuring this Committee and will make an announcement at the Annual Meeting as to how the Board proposes that this it function in the future.
– Opened for questions. There were none.

North Beach Resort Management Update:
• The Capital Repair & Replacement budget approved at the prior year’s annual meeting will be exceeded by approximately $37,000 .
– The oceanfront staircase was damaged during Hurricane Sandy and needed to be replaced.
– Larger drainage pipes were deemed necessary by NCDOT for the drainage project. The trench also had to be hand dug due to the numbers of electrical wires found that were not identified by the authorities and due to high water table. A community rumor was that a license was required to dig a trench was addressed as that assertion is incorrect. Additionally, despite other assertions made in the same rumor, VOH had all the requisite permits and engineering plans to undertake this project.
– Street crack filling wasn’t budgeted by the 2012 Board, but the 2013 Board believed it to be necessary and, therefore, approved the expense. This will be done in the fall

• Dick Garvey did a photo slide presentation of capital projects:
– Repairs to tennis courts, re-staining pool decks, oceanfront pool concrete repair, new plans for beach access staircase, etc.

• There was a question about the Tasman beach access. Ocean Hill did a dune push to restore dunes. They cleared all the poison ivy and brush. The path is getting better and less steep and should be more manageable in time.
– Packets are ready for the summer for the rental companies with new maps showing all the amenities and beach accesses.
– Summer employees have been hired.
– There was a question about the RAP program and how that is going. Vicki reported that usage is both good and profitable.

A discussion was opened regarding the Sports Court and possible alternatives for that space. Ideas are bocce ball, dog park, and sand volleyball. We would like input from the community as to what the community might like to see the space used for – given that significant cracking of the revitalized surfaced are appearing.

Other Business and Questions:
• The fall meeting date has been set for Saturday October 12th at 2pm.
• There was a question about the trash roll back committee. The volunteers have gradually dropped off over the years with the last few resigning this spring. The Management Company is in the process of getting quotes from companies for this service.
• There was a question about if there is a rule on golf carts being used on our roads. Gold carts are allowed but such use must be consistent with the County’s regulations on conformance to “street legal” equipment and only use by licensed drivers, but ATV’s are not.
• There was a question about if there was an easing of the anger and conflict between community members. Stephen Hill stated that as a board our goal is to restore the community to its proper function and we want to stick to business and not stir the pot.

Meeting Adjourned.

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