Oct 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President, John Doub, at 12:45PM at the Corolla Library. Attendees were John Doub, Jim Blaylock, Frank Cetera, Marc Blanc, Bernadette McLoughlin and Vicki Garvey of North Beach Resort Management Inc.

The board voted to unanimously to accept the minutes of the 7/15/2011 BOD meeting.

The Environmental Policy will be updated to reflect the approved change and posted on the website. The website has already been updated to reflect the approved changes to the By-Laws.

NBRM, Inc. will investigate ways to extend the life of our roads. They will also interact with the Corolla Light Manager to find out the time schedule of their road resurfacing in an effort to save costs.

The Homeport Court drainage project will begin within the next few weeks.

NBRM, Inc. was directed to proceed with the purchase of the High Dune Loop sign.

NBRM, Inc. was asked to continue to pursue an outside contractor for Sharkey’s.

Three suggestions were received (wind nets for tennis courts, purchase of additional equipment for the fitness center). NBRM will receive quotes and present at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:55PM and the executive meeting began immediately.

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