Nov 1, 2014 BOD Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting
November 1, 2014
Fitness Center

Present: Kent Ellis, Linda Flannery Dave Halla, Fran Hamilton, Vicki Garvey
On Phone: Steven Hill

The meeting began at 10am.

1. Vicki and Dick have been meeting with Bryan Smith on Wednesdays to review the operation of VOH. This Wednesday, the main topic of conversation will be the 2015 repair & replacement budget with particular focus on the roads.

2. Bryan Smith’s contract was discussed. Vicki is going to highlight our changes and send it out once again to Board members to solicit any additional changes or comments. The Board agreed to get back to her by Nov. 8th with final comments so we can get it to the attorney for his input and to Bryan by Nov 22nd for his input. The goal is to have a final, signed contract in place by December 1, 2014. The term of the contract includes a one-year probationary period with stated goals which once successfully met will provide the option of extending the contract for five years.

3. Discussed Michael Cherry’s proposition for beach chair & umbrella rentals. Vicki will send out the draft of this contract once she gets Michael’s requested revisions to the draft she forwarded to him last week.

4. The Board has been considering expanding the Sharky’s amenity with Michael Cherry’s company in 2016. A survey to gauge community interest in pursuing such an expansion will be sent to association members in their 2015 Assessment mailing.

5. Roads will be Bryan Smith’s first big project. He will be contacting contractors for bids with a start date of early March. Rental companies for Phase I properties will have to be notified so they can let renters know about the paving project.

6. The project to secure the remaining Open Space that is owned by Jim Bickford is on hold for now per Dave Halla.

7. EC Committee is working together to update the policies and the color palette. The committee will work with Bryan to streamline the process. The EC committee has completed its annual review of properties. The Committee is taking pictures of any homes that need attention and forwarding those pictures to the violation letters going out to homeowners from the committee.

8. AED – Kent Ellis spoke with Scott Simpson of Corolla Rescue identifying the recommended AED equipment for purchase in 2015. Scott has offered to train the Fitness Center attendants and other community members interested in becoming proficient in its use.

9. The Fitness Center renovations will be completed in 2015 under Bryan’s management. New computers have been purchased for the office and an additional phone line is being installed.

10. The ballot for the annual meeting requested volunteers for the Long Range Planning Committee. The Board determined that they would not be reconstituting this committee for 2015. In any event, only one person signed up so Linda will be contacting that person to thank them for volunteering and let them know that the Board will not be staffing the committee in 2015.

11. Trash is still an issue on Sandcastle. Vicki is looking into seeing if Larry could do the roll back in the off season for us. It was also suggested that the new Site Manager that is employed by the new Management Company could undertake rollback efforts during the off-season.

12. The board has scheduled the 1st meeting in January – Board Retreat – for Jan. 18, 2015 9:00am. All Board Members have committed to attending the meeting in person as it is the kick off meeting for the new management company and the year’s critical projects. Vicki will inform Bryan of the date and time of the meeting.

13. Meeting ended at 11:15am

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