Mar 17, 2010 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. by Dan Hunt. Fran Hamilton, Ron Mason, and Jim Blaylock were present. John Doub was present via phonecon for a portion of the meeting. Dick and Vicki Garvey of North Beach Resort Management were also present.

Dan moved that the amended minutes from the February 2010 meeting be approved.
• Unanimous approval vote by BoD

BoD set the next meeting date for Thursday, April 8, 2010.

BoD reviewed the agenda for the VOH Spring Meeting set for Saturday, April 10,2010
• Fire Wise Program will receive mention
• Storm Water Task Force (SWTF) update will be presented by Dick and/or Bill Robinson.
• Info will be passed regarding Greenway, tennis courts, and wind turbines.
• Long Range Planning Committee is looking for volunteers again.
• Dick protested that the LRPC lacked structured and had no identifiable tasking. John suggested tabling this issue until the fall, but will continue to consider potential reorganization of the committee.
• The revised Wind Turbine Policy will be sent to the membership to allow for the required comment period, via email and/or website.
• Considering a Tourism speaker for the fall VOH meeting.
• Planning for a handout to provide an update of what is happening in Corolla (projects, development, etc).
• Setting the fall meeting is mandated in bylaws – Columbus Day weekend.
• Vicki suggested implementation of a survey for the 2010 season to receive guest feedback regarding VOH amenities. Discussion regarding how to motivate guest responses resulted in the plan to offer free ice cream at Sharky’s to both raise survey response level and increase foot traffic in Sharky’s.

BoD had general discussion regarding several topics:
• Reviewed Long Range worklist; each BoD member will have an identifiable “next step” for each item assigned, by the next meeting.
• Status report was given for flooding control and storm water management.
• BoD agreed to revise SWTF tasking to a three year mission
• SWTF will have better cost estimate following location of utilities, and then will prioritize tasking for future years.
• SWTF remedies may nominally raise the level of Crystal Lake.
• VOH has received no responses from communications with two property owners with very large past due assessments. VOH legal counsel has sent correspondence to these two property owners.
• 12 properties are delinquent, and another 11 properties are delinquent and have liens placed.
• Bid has been rewarded for Greenway project, and total funds will be disbursed over a 3 year period.
• Barnhill will be prime contractor
• Estimated completion date is 7/1/10, including the pocket park.
• County will probably not pay for lighting and irrigation.
• Concerns were expressed regarding drainage
• Vicki and Fran will discuss utilization of the VOH sign that will be removed from the SW entrance to the community due to the Greenway.
• Dick provided handout regarding the High Dune Loop to Sandcastle Drive beach access path. Affected owners will be notified of BoD intent to straighten this access road so that it is in conformance with the easement provided, in accordance with plans that were previously budgeted.
• Landscape Plan is on track, and several culdesacs have received new plantings.
• Environmental Committee materials have been transferred from old committee to the new revised committee, and the EC is working on resolving infractions identified in a 15 page spreadsheet.
• First test sample of Crystal Lake is set to be drawn on 3/20/10.
• A proposed reconfiguration of the main oceanfront dune walkover staircase was discussed, along with distribution of initial drawings, with a preliminary cost estimate of $3900. BoD agreed that no funds were currently available for this project, but it would be considered for 2011.
• Insurance coverage and the effects of adding a defibrillator were discussed.
• VOH underwriter will remove a 5% credit if they are forced to underwrite defibrillators. This, in essence, will increase the VOH cost by $100/yr.
• The cost of the defibrillator itself is $1265 plus training costs.
• John is working on writing a VOH golf cart policy that mirrors the new Currituck County policy regarding same.
• Currently, VOH beach access pathways are not wide enough to allow golf carts to pass, as mandated by the Ocean Hill settlement. Dan will respond to a homeowner regarding her requests to widen the accesses to allow easier beach cart passage – BoD agrees that pathways should remain the current width.
• Dick will replace playground swing chairs and basketball nets.
• Vicki requested that the BoD consider and vote on several issues:
• Will VOH accept payment plan for assessments?
• Dan motioned that the BoD vote NO on this matter, and the BoD unanimously voted NO.
• Will VOH accept payment by credit card, accompanied by a $50 service fee?
• Dan motioned that the BoD vote YES on this matter, and the BoD unanimously voted YES.
• VOH to change the price of an individual weekly FC pass from $40 to $30, and to change an additional house user pass from $25 to $20.
• Fran motioned that the BoD vote YES to these price changes, and the BoD unanimously voted YES.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

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