June 3, 2011 Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President, John Doub, at 5PM at the VOH Fitness Center. Attendees were John Doub (via phone), Jim Blaylock, Frank Cetera (via phone) and Bernadette McLoughlin. Vicki Garvey of the Management Company also attended.

The board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the 5/7/20ll BOD meeting and Spring meeting.

Presently there is one resident interested in filling the vacant board position. John will route his bio to all board members shortly and a vote will be taken at the next meeting.

The By-law changes were received from Everett Thompson and reviewed by the board.

Two additional issues need to be addressed concerning the election process. The two additional by-law changes will be added. Within the next ten days, all by-law changes will be posted to the website and voted on at the next board meeting in July.

The conversion of the Sports Court will take place the week of June 13th. The project has been delayed due to the rainy Spring season. Sports equipment is being ordered and John will provide benches for the area.

The three quotes received to upgrade the VOH website are being reviewed and will be considered at our 2012 Budget meeting.

The RFQ for our next landscape project has been refined. Fran Hamilton will be meeting with two additional potential bidders.

The proposed changes by the Environmental committee concerning the installation of split rail fences along property lines for properties abutting common space has been posted on the website for almost 30 days. No comments have been received. If no comments are received by June 8th, the EC will be notified that the board intends to approve this change at the next meeting.

The board has received a request that a Suggestion Box be installed. We have unanimously agreed to this request but insist that all suggestions be signed. Unsigned comments will NOT be considered.

Vicki reviewed the timeline for the Budget review process. All budget considerations are to be sent to her no later than June 30th.

The next meeting was set for Friday, July 15th @ 5 PM at the fitness center.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM and the executive session began immediately.

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